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IT Audit

Our Approach

  • Improves risk exposure awareness
  • Develops tailored audit plans
  • Enhances risk management processes
  • Strengthens the internal control structure
  • Improves IT and business processes, and increases efficiency
  • Increases value through proven, innovative solutions

IT Audit Service Performed

IT Audit


  • IT audit outsourcing and co-sourcing, covering all IT operational and business risk
  • Penetration testing and assessments
  • Internal and external network scans
  • Social Engineering
  • Risk Assessments
  • Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA)
  • PCI Readiness Assessments
  • Security Assessments, including disaster recovery and business continuity
  • Integrated IT, financial, operational and compliance audits
  • External auditor relationship management
  • IT process reviews (access, SDLC, change management, operations)
  • SSAE SOC Reports
  • SOX 404 documentation and controls testing